Drupal7: Next & Prew node
Long time i had the idea to create Next & Prew links in node pages. For example to process a portfolio, or a section of the article. So today I made it.
First, you need to add this code on template.php
function next_page_link($node){ $next_nid = db_query(" SELECT nid FROM {node} WHERE created > :created AND type = :type AND status = 1 LIMIT 1", array(':created' => $node->created,':type' => $node->type)) ->fetchObject(); if($next_nid) { return '/'.drupal_get_path_alias('node/'.$next_nid->nid); } else { return false; } } function previous_page_link($node){ $next_nid = db_query(" SELECT nid FROM {node} WHERE created < :created AND type = :type AND status = 1 ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1", array(':created' => $node->created,':type' => $node->type)) ->fetchObject(); if($next_nid) { return '/'.drupal_get_path_alias('node/'.$next_nid->nid); } else { return false; } }
Nice, now last step, add this code on node.tpl.php
<?php $next = next_page_link($node); $previous = previous_page_link($node); ?> <?php if($previous !== false): ?> <a href="<?=$previous; ?>" class="previouslink">Prew</a> <?php endif; ?> <?php if($next !== false): ?> <a href="<?=$next; ?>" class="nextlink">Next</a> <?php endif; ?>
So, it's all. Now you can use css for your individual design. Enjoy!