Lab / Ghost

Ghost on Ubuntu & network sharing

Today tell about first practice with ghost on my virtual ubuntu server. Like anytime it not was easy to first time for me.

I have Ubuntu Server in my parallels virtual mashine (for have a practice before i'll buy VDS). And in my OS X i use default terminal.

Note: i havent apache or nginx or anything more, a have pure ubuntu server, ftp server and node js. It's all

First step upload Ghost on server:

For upload i used my favorite ftp client - transmit. If you are fun of terminal you can use this command:

git clone git://

Now we need to go in ghost folder and install it

cd ghost
npm install --production

And last step to run Ghost

npm start --production

it's seems very easy, right? So, Surprise motherfuckers!!! Ghost wont be easy for you. Because isn't accessible in your local network (in my way in host machine). You need to change in config.js all to your external ip. For know it use ifconfig in your terminal.